Thursday, August 14, 2008

The first day.....

Welcome! I am happy to announce I have a blog, I don't know too much about computers, and I don't know if anyone will read this. Oh well, gotta start somehow. I see so much fitness, strength, nutrition, and whatever else you wanna call it, on the web. Now it's time to voice my facts, opinions, and whatever else I feel like typing.
Today I will discuss bad personal training. I just got done "training" (not working out), and I observed one of the trainers at a local gym, not the one I work for so don't worry if ya know me. This dude was drinking his coffee and talking on the cell phone while his client was on the adductor/abductor machine for about 20 minutes. What a waste of money. Has this guy ever heard of professionalism, ethics, and a decent exercise (squats, lunges, step-ups). Look around the gym today or tomorrow and see how many people are wasting their hard earned money...

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