Monday, February 28, 2011

My Nutrition Plan (Workout Days)

I have mentioned in the past that I was looking into the Intermittent Fasting Protocol for fat loss.  I actually attempted to go though a 2 day trial of this approach over the weekend and I really felt good both days.  I am going to tweak this protocol to fit my needs and my schedule. After reading tons of  literature on the benefits of carb-cycling (higher carbs on lifting days)  I realize that I should have different nutrient breakdowns for my daily activity level.

So here we go, this is my Routine for today:

3:55am Wake up
4:10am Drink Big glass of water, one green tea capsule
4:15am Mini-warm up (10 overhead squats, 10 push ups, 10 lunges) perform 2 sets
4:25am Drink Greens +
4:40am Drink 1 cup black coffee w/cinnamon (on the way to work)
8:00am Meal 1 (Grass fed sirloin filet, 1 cup broccoli, 1 small grapefruit, 2 fish oil soft gels)
9:30am 2 cups of organic green tea
10:30am Meal 2 (2 grilled chicken breasts, large green salad, olive oil, one cup of strawberries/blueberries)
2:30am Meal 3 (shake- 2 scoops whey/casein protein)
4:00 workout (Pre-workout - Green Tea Capsule, L-Tyrosine / During - Drink BCAA drink)
5:30, 5::45 Meal 4 (3 organic eggs, 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup spinach, 1 apple, saute in coconut oil / 1 large sweet potato / 2 fish oil soft gels)

This my first time trying this particular eating method and I really like the way it looks on paper.  I have to see how today's lifting session goes to determine if I need to make a few changes for Wednesday.

I am all for trial and error when it comes to what works best for my body.  By Friday I will have a good indication on what adjustments need to be made for the following week from a performance stand point. 

I have 2 weeks to my wedding, so I want to look and feel great!  I will be going to NYC after the wedding and I'm really looking forward to celebrating St. Patrick's Day in an AWESOME location! SOOOO, any type of regimented eating will be thrown out the window - but I will try to keep myself from looking like Jabba The Hut dressed in green. 

In June I have a 7 day cruise booked to the Caribbean, so depending on how I feel after experimenting with this eating method- it could be something I continue leading up to summer time.  The key for me is ENERGY! I need to be able to get through the day with a little intensity and enthusiasm. If I can do that and stay (get) lean(er), this 2 week experiment may make me start to rethink years of being programed to believe the 6 meals a day theory is the holy grail of eating for leanness .

If my little experiment doesn't go quite so well, so what? It's only 2 weeks........


BryanFrancis said...

That definitely looks like an extremely detailed plan. Everything looks great to me, but you don't have a post-workout shake? If you throw the Greens + in with your post-workout shake, it will help decrease elevated cortisol levels from training. Excited to hear how the nutrition plan goes!

Chase Karnes said...

Good luck, man. Carb cycling works - there's no doubt about it.

Damon Brobst CSCS said...

I've had a protein drink post-workout for years. I felt it was time for a change based on the literature I've been reading.
I actually forgot to add the greens plus post-workout, while I'm cooking my feast.

Damon Brobst CSCS said...

Thanks. I felt great yesterday, had a good training session, and slept awesome. This approach to eating is more convenient than I thought.

BryanFrancis said...

Hey Damon, what literature are you reading about post-workout nutrition? Would definitely be interested into looking more into that. Check out the CISSN certification (sports nutrition cert). They show all the research in favor of "immediate" post-workout shakes. Let me know what you find out. Thanks!