Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterens Day

Today I have the day off from school, which is much needed after the lockdown situation we had in Broward County yesterday. I was able to work longer at the gym this morning and train a few clients I haven't seen in a while. It's great to see people that put fourth the effort to physically change and improve their health and physiques. Around 10 years ago on my day's off from school I would cancel my clients, go out the night before until around 2am, recover most of the day, not go lift, eat like crap, and then feel like a sack of turd. How times have changed..........I figured today I would give a little description on how I spend my time on a day off, well kinda.

The thing is, I really enjoy working. I feel I have the best and most rewarding jobs I could possibly have. Once I am done work today, I will unofficially still be working. The rest of my day I will practice what I preach and I spend a lot of time reading and continuing my education. I'm going to go grocery shopping for grassfed beef, organic chicken, almonds, cashews, eggs, broccoli, lean ground turkey and organic apples. A little later today I will grill the meats, steam my veggies, and pack my food for tomorrow.

Around mid-afternoon I'll go to a park near my house and do one of my "sprint" workouts. Probably run some 100's and 60's, pretty much the routine I mentioned in this post. I will spend a good amount of time warming up (form running/hip mobility) and take full advantage of the beautiful weather. Since I began implementing sprint workouts into my program, I feel rejuvenated. It's kind of hard to explain but getting outside and running fast (well, trying to) is a lot of fun for me.

I will try to get some reading in today as well. I would like to finish a book that really has kept me entertained, Talent is Overrated. It's a great book on methods of success and it focuses on the theory of "deliberate practice". This is something I will elaborate in the future, it's an interesting topic that puts a lot of things in perspective. I will also catch up on some of my favorite blogs (see right) and go to a couple of my favorite websites TMuscle and Elitefts and read some cutting edge information, training logs, and some Q&A forums.

I know it doesn't seem like an exciting day, but it is my ideal Thursday off. If I can do what I love for a living and get better at what I do for a living by doing the things I love, my life is pretty damn good! I'll also get to spend some time with my fiance which make everything even better......

On a side note, a BIG thanks to everyone who has or is serving in the US armed forces- your hard work is truly appreciated.

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